Brokerage event H2020 Smart Cities & Communities call 2018
Le ‘Brokerage event Horizon 2020 Smart Cities & Communities call 2018’, planifié le 25 octobre à Bruxelles, permettra de développer des consortiums et des idées de projets afin de répondre à l’appel d’offres Smart Cities and Communities 2018 du programme Horizon 2020.
Le 25/10/17 de 08:30 à 14:00
Public cible
Villes & Communes ; organisations les représentant
Personnes de contact
La participation est gratuite mais réservée aux représentants de villes ou aux organisations venant en leur nom. Les participants doivent s'inscrire avant le 13 octobre. La capacité de la salle est limitée à 50 personnes.
This brokerage event will offer an opportunity for city representatives to develop consortia and project ideas to respond to the Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities 2018 call for proposals for lighthouse projects.
It will also provide useful insights on how to develop a successful replication strategy and create investment possibilities that will continue beyond the end of the project lifetime.
During the event, city representatives are invited to present a project idea or their city activities in the area of smart cities, which could contribute to proactive matchmaking between potential projects.
Please note that the number of presentations is limited and slots will be given on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested in presenting a project idea please send an e-mail to Anja De Cunto, before 2 October.
This event will follow the official smart cities info day, organised by the European Commission, and provisionally scheduled to take place on 24 October in Brussels.
DRAFT Agenda
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Welcome and expectations
09.15 Successful management of H2020 projects
09.45 How to build a successful smart cities replication strategy
10.15 Accelerating the development of smart cities business models
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Investment possibilities in smart cities solutions
12:00 Speed networking session ; Representatives will be able to present their project ideas or their smart cities/digital strategy
13:00 Light lunch and networking
About the 2018 smart cities call
The 2018 smart cities call is expected to be launched in October 2017, with deadline in Spring 2018.
The projects will focus on developing Positive Energy Blocks/Districts from a technical, financial, social, regulatory and legal point of view.
Supported projects are expected to contribute to:
Significantly increased energy efficiency on district scale;
Significantly increased share of renewable energies, their integration into the energy system, stimulate selfconsumption, reduced curtailment;
Roll out of Positive Energy Blocks of interlinked buildings (PEB) that are leading the way towards energy-plus districts;
Ready-to-use district planning approaches that are proven in performance, actively made accessible for others to take up and run with, where local conditions permit;
Deep citizen involvement that will contribute to the success of the project.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 to 5 million per lighthouse city and between EUR 0.5 and 1 million per follower city would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Typically, projects should have a duration of 48 to 60 months.
Additional information
For any further question contact: Anja De Cunto or Bernadett Degrendele
Date : Le 25/10/2017
Heure d'ouverture : 08h30
Lieu : Bruxelles
Prix : Participation is free of charge and is reserved to city representatives only or organisations coming on their behalf. Participants need to register before 13 October. Capacity of the room is limited to 50 people.
1 profil(s) associé(s) à cet événement.
EUROCITIES est un réseau de grandes villes européennes, fondé en 1986 par les maires de six grandes villes européennes : Barcelone (Espagne), Birmingham (Royaume-Uni), Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne), Lyon (France), Milan (Italie) et Rotterdam (Pays-Bas).
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