Pour améliorer la PEB, l’UE a mis en place un cadre législatif visant à promouvoir des politiques qui contribueront à la réalisation d’un parc immobilier hautement efficace sur le plan énergétique et décarboné d’ici 2050. Le projet Concerted Action EPBD V favorisera l’échange d’informations et d’expériences entre les États membres de l’UE en ce qui concerne la mise en œuvre de la législation.


Du 01/05/18 au 31/10/22


Projet de recherche



Plus d’informations

Concerted Action EPBD V

Concerted Action EPBD V aim to support the implementation of the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive through exchange of information and experience among Member States and other participating countries (Norway) with regards to the implementation of the specific European Union legislation and policy on the energy performance of buildings, and in particular with regards to the transposition and implementation of the re-cast of the EPBD (DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU) and the on-going revision of this directive.

The specific objectives are to:

1. Enhance and structure sharing of information and experience from national implementation and promote good practice in activities required of Member States for implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

2. Create favourable conditions for faster convergence of national procedures on EPBD-related matters.

3. Develop a direct link with the other two buildings-related Concerted Actions established within the IEE programme: the CA-RES, focussing on transposition and implementation of the Renewable Energy Systems Directive (DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC); and the CA-EED, focusing on transposition and implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive (DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU), where National Energy Plans include initiatives towards building energy efficiency.

4. Supplement the work of the Article 26 Committee and possible ad-hoc groups on CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standards and certification exercises.

5. Establish a dialogue with the CEN in the implementation of 2nd generation standards to support the implementation of the recast EPBD and its revision.

6. Support for European Member States and Norway to use National Energy Plans to report progress on the EPBD implementation.

The CAV\_EPBD will strive to result in a more harmonized approach, improved implementation and actual application of the EPBD in all the countries involved, as well as helping to disseminate best practices between the countries.

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