Parker Hannifin

Parker’s Energy Grid Tie (EGT) Division is a leading multi-technology solution provider for the energy market. With its European headquarters in Littlehampton UK the EGT division is a centre of excellence for power conversion and battery storage systems used in energy grid applications.

Siège social

Av. Robert Schuman, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique


Parker Hannifin Belux

Numéro d’entreprise


With over 35 years of experience in electric power conversion, we design and manufacture grid tie systems that are used in renewable energy and smart grid applications globally. With expertise in power electronics, energy storage, advanced cooling and thermal management and turn-key custom engineered systems, the EGT team provides bespoke solutions to today's power conversion needs. Augmenting its design and manufacturing capabilities, field service engineers are available to see your project through to a successful commissioning.


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Parker Hannifin

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