Project HYPOP, HYdrogen Public Opinion and accePtance, will support the hydrogen deployment in Europe, enhancing the involvement of citizens and providing guidelines to increase trust in hydrogen implementation. A clean and clear communication will be key for hydrogen technological development with social acceptance.


Du 01/05/23 au 01/05/25


Projet de recherche



Plus d’informations

The transition to a hydrogen economy will involve policy- and decision-makers, technology providers, adopters, users, and, last but not least, citizens. Understanding how the latter perceives hydrogen, and the needs of technology providers and decision-makers, is fundamental to ensure a successful implementation of solutions in terms of policy, technical development and social awareness.

Project HYPOP, HYdrogen Public Opinion and accePtance, will support the hydrogen deployment in Europe, enhancing the involvement of citizens and providing guidelines to increase trust in hydrogen implementation. A clean and clear communication will be key for hydrogen technological development with social acceptance.


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Organisation wallonne rassemblant des entreprises actives dans le secteur de l'énergie durable, le Cluster Tweed initie, participe et suit de nombreux projets issus des filières (éolien, photovoltaïque, géothermie, smartgrids,etc) et métiers (R&D, financement, fabrication, commercialisation, etc).

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