Le projet Torero propose un nouveau concept pour l’exploitation des déchets de bois qui ne peuvent pas être recyclés. La technologie, mise au point et adaptée par TorrCoal, repose sur la torréfaction, un processus thermochimique qui se déroule à température élevée (jusqu’à 350 °C) en présence d’une faible quantité d’oxygène, réduisant la teneur en eau et en substances volatiles de la biomasse.
Du 01/05/17 au 31/05/24
Projet de recherche
Plus d’informations
TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output: large-scale demonstration
Torero will demonstrate a cost-, resource-, and energy-efficient technology concept for producing bioethanol from a wood waste feedstock, fully integrated in a large-scale, industrially functional steel mill:
Wood waste is converted to biocoal by torrefaction
Biocoal replaces fossil powdered coal in a steel mill blast furnace
Carbon monoxide in blast furnace exhaust fumes is microbially fermented to bioethanol
Material and energy loops of the process are closed to a very large degree
Every steel mill that implements this concept will be able to produce at least 80 million litres of bioethanol per year. This project creates a value chain for wood waste, which currently has no attractive applications. The technology concept is open ended: in the future, stakeholders may replicate the concept with other feedstocks and for producing other types of fuels.
The business case the Torero project will produce a competitive process for non-food feedstock bioethanol production. Compared with the current first generation production based cellulosic bio-ethanol solution the Torero innovation the OPEX of Torero is 1/3 lower with a same CAPEX. This will allow scale up of torrefaction technology when successfully demonstrated.
Most importantly, together with sister project Steelanol, Torero will be the only H2020 project to demonstrate a biofuel production process that is integrated in an existing, fully functional large-scale industrial facility. All other H2020 solutions will need to be newly built if they ever reach full industrial scale. Torero is add-on technology that can be used to upgrade existing facilities of the steel sector, an industry that is actively scouting for technological solutions to make its production processes more sustainable. The consortium consist of full value chain, industry ArcelorMittal and Van Gansewinkel, two expert research organisations Joanneum Research and Chalmers Technical University and torrefaction technology supplier Torr-Coal.
TORERO has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme (H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources). Project ID: 745810.
ArcelorMittal Belgium
Chalmers University of Technology
Joanneum Research
University of Graz

2 profil(s) associé(s) à ce contact.
RENEWI est une entreprise leader dans le secteur de la valorisation des déchets qui donne chaque jour une nouvelle vie aux matériaux utilisés. Leur réseau est étendu de près de 200 sites répartis en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Waste Collection Belgium est actif dans la collecte, le tri et le recyclage des plastiques durs vers des matières premières secondaires.
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ArcelorMittal Belgium
Entreprise productrice d'acier.
Chau. de Ramioul 52, 4400 Flémalle, Belgique
Dernière mise a jour: 06/12/2024