Green SKHy
The aim of our project is to promote the development of the clean hydrogen sector by reducing the obstacles to the European recognition of skills and related systems through joint action plans and by promoting careers that can contribute to the energy transition through new practical training schemes.
Du 01/01/24 au 01/01/26
Projet de recherche
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The aim of our project is to promote the development of the clean hydrogen sector by reducing the obstacles to the European recognition of skills and related systems through joint action plans and by promoting careers that can contribute to the energy transition through new practical training schemes. This ambition involves networking the actors in charge of skills and certifications, developing and testing specific training and acculturation modules, and implementing campaigns to promote the hydrogen sector and its opportunities. By bringing together within the consortium companies, public authorities as well as the main actors of initial and continuous training, the project should therefore support the development of a key sector for the energy transition by ensuring the empowerment of a large audience.
1 profil(s) associé(s) à ce contact.
Organisation wallonne rassemblant des entreprises actives dans le secteur de l'énergie durable, le Cluster Tweed initie, participe et suit de nombreux projets issus des filières (éolien, photovoltaïque, géothermie, smartgrids,etc) et métiers (R&D, financement, fabrication, commercialisation, etc).
Dernière mise a jour: 09/01/2025