Architecture et Climat - UCLouvain

The Architecture and Climate research team develops and disseminates architecture-related scientific knowledge focused on the physical aspects of the building process and habitation.

Head Office

Pl. de l'Université 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique


Université Catholique de Louvain

Enterprise number


The Architecture and Climate research team develops and disseminates architecture-related scientific knowledge focused on the physical aspects of the building process and habitation by placing the relationship between humans and their environment (ecological, social, and economic) at the center of all we do and by considering all the spatial and temporal scales.

The team is organized into three units: Perception of the Built Environment, Resources and Constructive Systems, and Energy and the Interior Climate.

The objective of the "Energy and Interior Climate" unit is to support the energy transition of buildings. Our research seeks to improve the comfort and health of built spaces by integrating reduced energy consumption into a given socioeconomic context.

Our field of study includes interactions between:

  • Architectural design

  • Construction and HVAC techniques

  • The building process and occupant lifestyles Our methodological approach is based on the observation of buildings and digital modeling.

Knowledge & Skills

Expertise in:

  • Building physics

  • Modeling of energy flows at the material/space/building/city scale

  • Monitoring of thermal environments

  • Interactions between buildings and energy systems

Key projects in the field of smart cities/smart grids/smart buildings: 

Architecture et Climat - UCLouvain

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