ULB - Knowledge Transfer Office

ULB-KTO supports you at every stage of the research transfer process. Its mission is to foster collaboration between the University and external partners (companies, public authorities, clusters, sectoral associations, non-profit organisations, etc.) as regards collaborative research, the socio-economic valorisation of research results and the contribution to local and regional development.

ULB-KTO's scientific, legal and economic advisors provide you with tailored support and a wide range of services:

  • Support for setting up and monitoring projects: Seeking funding, helping to ensure that the project and its content meet the criteria of the calls for projects, finding partners (notably from industry), negotiating industrial contracts, etc.

  • Monitoring regional calls for projects: The KTO thus contributes to local development and coordinates ULB's participation in the Walloon Region's Competitiveness Clusters and regional innovation support institutions.

  • Intellectual property management and strategy for the protection and valorisation of research results: Identifying research activities and results that can be valorised, assessing the technological and socio-economic potential of inventions, providing adequate protection for research results (filing applications for patents, trademarks, IDEPOT...), etc.

  • Knowledge transfer management: prospecting and identifying industrial partners for the valorisation of research results and patents, negotiating transfer agreements (licences, etc.).

  • Support for the creation of spin-offs (companies created from knowledge and technologies derived from research) in collaboration with ImpacThéo S.A.

  • Raising awareness of knowledge transfer and intellectual property among researchers (seminars, training courses, etc.).

ULB - Knowledge Transfer Office

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