ULB - Knowledge Transfer Office
ULB-KTO supports you at every stage of the research transfer process. Its mission is to foster collaboration between the University and external partners (companies, public authorities, clusters, sectoral associations, non-profit organisations, etc.) as regards collaborative research, the socio-economic valorisation of research results and the contribution to local and regional development.
ULB-KTO's scientific, legal and economic advisors provide you with tailored support and a wide range of services:
Support for setting up and monitoring projects: Seeking funding, helping to ensure that the project and its content meet the criteria of the calls for projects, finding partners (notably from industry), negotiating industrial contracts, etc.
Monitoring regional calls for projects: The KTO thus contributes to local development and coordinates ULB's participation in the Walloon Region's Competitiveness Clusters and regional innovation support institutions.
Intellectual property management and strategy for the protection and valorisation of research results: Identifying research activities and results that can be valorised, assessing the technological and socio-economic potential of inventions, providing adequate protection for research results (filing applications for patents, trademarks, IDEPOT...), etc.
Knowledge transfer management: prospecting and identifying industrial partners for the valorisation of research results and patents, negotiating transfer agreements (licences, etc.).
Support for the creation of spin-offs (companies created from knowledge and technologies derived from research) in collaboration with ImpacThéo S.A.
Raising awareness of knowledge transfer and intellectual property among researchers (seminars, training courses, etc.).