Renewable energies
Big families
Renewable energies sector is divided into 12 large families :
- Biomass-energy
- Biomethanization
- Energetic efficiency
- Wind energy
- Geothermy
- Hydraulic
- Hydrogen
- Photovoltaic
- Heat Pumps
- Smart grids
- Heat networks
- Storage
Each family or sector includes different technologies described in the linked section of the ReWaN Portal.

In order to facilitate the search of an actor or project on the ReWaN Portal, it is possible to navigate these sectors, but also through business categories, transversal to all sectors :
- R&D & innovation
- Studies & Design
- Financing
- Manufacturing & Production
- Distribution & Installation
- Marketing and Supply
- Operations & Maintenance
- Training & Certification
- Dismantling & Recycling
- Education, promotion & sensitizing
All the actors of sustainable water are also available in the energy category.