Operations & Maintenance


View SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement's profile


Gardien du patrimoine naturel et rural de la Wallonie, le SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement en garantit sa sauvegarde dans une perspective de développement durable, destinée à garantir aux générations futures des ressources de qualité, indispensables à la vie.

Av. du Prince de Liège 15, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 11/09/2024

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View Index+'s profile


INDEX+ offers a complete solution for building and renewable energy system managers, from the selection and supply of metering equipment to a digital platform providing real-time access to data for statistics, reporting and interactive equipment management.

Rue Colonel Bourg 127, 1140 Evere, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View John Cockerill Balteau's profile

John Cockerill Balteau

John Cockerill Balteau provides engineering solutions for the purification, treatment, pumping and recycling of water and sludge, relying on its design office, engineers and manufacturing workshops.

Rue de la Légende 63, 4141 Sprimont, Belgique

Last updated: 21/08/2024

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View Liquileaks's profile


Liquileaks is a Liégeoise company that offers solutions for optimizing the performance of water networks.

Rue du Progres 8, 4821 Dison, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Mideo's profile


TPE of General Electric. Development of lighting systems tailor-made, and more particularly autonomous lighting and high-performance.

Chau. de Beaumont 17, 7000 Mons, Belgique

Last updated: 24/04/2024

View MMConcept's profile


Maintenance, industrial mechanics, stainless steel and synthetic piping. Industrial drawing and product design.

Verte Voie 35, 4890 Thimister-Clermont, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

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View Pepps's profile


Through the use of technologies such as predictive maintenance, artificial intelligence and IOT, Pepps assists companies active in sectors such as energy, environment, transport and industry in the installation of intelligent supervision systems in order to increase their performance and reduce failures.

Chemin du Cyclotron 6, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

Last updated: 11/09/2024

View PIPE Consult's profile

PIPE Consult

PIPE Consult is your partner for inspection, maintenance and trenchless rehabilitation/repair of pipes and sewers.

Rue des Waides 16, 4890 Thimister-Clermont, Belgique

Last updated: 31/07/2024

View RESA's profile


Gas and electricity distribution system operator.

Rue Louvrex 95, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 19/08/2024

View Revalio's profile


Revalio is a sustainable water company based in Belgium, delivering circular solutions to industries.​

Av. Emile de Beco 74, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 08/08/2024

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View Safe Water Systems's profile

Safe Water Systems

Safe Water Systems is a Belgian company specialized in securing water by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis technology.

Rue Natalis 2, 4020 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Silicium Solar Energie's profile

Silicium Solar Energie

Silicon Solar Energie is a company specialized in the installation of photovoltaic equipment.

Chau. de Maubeuge 536, 7024 Mons, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Skysun's profile


Skysun funds the solar installations of companies (CAPEX) and provides long-term management (OPEX). Each partner organization has access to solar energy without having to bear the cost of investing or maintenance.

Rue de la Forge 10, 1470 Genappe, Belgique

Last updated: 24/04/2024

View Tractebel Engie's profile

Tractebel Engie

Tractebel is a global engineering consultancy company with worldwide expertise in energy, water and infrastructure projects.

Bd Simon Bolivar 34, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 11/09/2024

View Veolia's profile


Veolia provides innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainable growth of cities and companies. Veolia is a world leader in the provision of energy services.

Quai Fernand Demets 52, 1070 Anderlecht, Belgique

Last updated: 22/08/2024

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