Summer Event - Wall4GRiD - Challenges GRD & Expertises wallonnes - 10 septembre 2024
Wall4GRiD vise à regrouper les acteurs et projets wallons autour des challenges court terme de nos réseaux, avec un encadrement en synergie de toutes les structures existantes.
On 10/09/24 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am
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Co-organisé avec le Pôle MecaTech et les GRD, venez découvrir des challenges auxquels nos réseaux électriques font face et surtout comment nos compétences wallonnes vont pouvoir y répondre!
2 profile(s) associated to this event.
Pôle MecaTech
The MecaTech cluster aims to increase the partnership between the worlds of industry, research and training in order to improve the competitiveness of Wallonia through innovative projects.
Rue Jean sonet 21, 5032 Gembloux, Belgique
Last updated: 19/11/2024
A Walloon organisation bringing together companies active in the sustainable energy sector, Cluster Tweed initiates, participates in and monitors a wide range of projects in various sectors (wind power, photovoltaics, geothermal energy, smartgrids, etc.) and professions (R&D, financing, manufacturing, marketing, etc.).
Last updated: 09/01/2025
2 profile(s) associated to this event.
Gas and electricity distribution system operator.
Rue Louvrex 95, 4000 Liège, Belgique
Last updated: 03/12/2024
Distribution network management: ORES is responsible for the day-to-day operations of electricity and natural gas distribution grids and the public lighting network.
Av. Jean Mermoz 14, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique
Last updated: 31/05/2024