Opérateur des Réseaux Gaz et Electricité

Distribution network management: ORES is responsible for the day-to-day operations of electricity and natural gas distribution grids and the public lighting network.

Head Office

Av. Jean Mermoz 14, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique



Enterprise number


Connection work: We establish new connections, adapt existing connections, and fit and reinforce meters. Breakdown service and repair work: Our dispatch office monitors distribution networks 24 hours a day. Intervention teams are on call day and night to repair malfunctions and gas leaks. Meter reading and management of consumption data: We read the meters of over 1.3 million customers and process this data under conditions of strict confidentiality. Fulfillment of public service obligations: We supply energy to socially-protected customers; we fit budget meters at the request of energy suppliers for clients with outstanding energy bills; we operate and maintain municipal public lighting; and we promote energy-efficient lighting systems. Management of the access register: We keep up-to-date technical and administrative data (links between customers and their energy suppliers) on almost 2 million connections in the "access register".

Knowledge & Skills

Smart Grid: We participate in European projects such as GRID4EU and ECOGRID. In Wallonia, ORES is one of the companies involved in the "Gestion de REseau de Distribution Ouvert au Renouvelable" project. As part of this project, in collaboration with the Universities of Liège and Mons and with Tractebel, we are developing active network management tools that will require access to network data such as energy flows. We have started equipping our cabins with sensors.

The information measured by the sensors will be used to manage the network. We are currently exploring possibilities for telecommunications infrastructure, which we believe will soon become as important as our conventional assets.

Smart Metering: ORES has conducted smart metering pilot projects and analyzed existing solutions. The main objective is to allow for remote collection of metering data for the market. These meters will also send electrical data to the distribution system operator (DSO) so that it can manage its networks. The choice of telecommunications technology and infrastructure is extremely important. The solution developed by ERDF seems to meet our needs. We have just signed an agreement with the French DSO to collaborate on the finalization of our Smart Metering solution.

Storage: the storage attached to the network can bring several services such as the distribution system (management of peak network, power quality,...), services to the transport system (balancing reserves, strategic reserves...),...


2 person(s) associated to this profile.

Opérateur des Réseaux Gaz et Electricité

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