BELESCO, the Belgian ESCO Association, groups the major stakeholders of the Belgian energy services, energy performance contracting (EPC) and energy supply contracting (ESC) sector and related areas like Third Party Financing (TPF) and measurement and verification (M&V).

Head Office

Rue Joseph Coosemans 107, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgique



Enterprise number


This market represents a key future development of the broader market for energy efficiency and renewable energy, delivering "performance based" business, contractual and operational models to the private and public sector.

The ESCO and Energy Contracting market includes both the public and private building sector and the industry.

Suppliers include private and public Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), pubic and private EPC project facilitators and consultants, public and private banks and third party investors, energy efficiency engineering companies and other stakeholders.

Customers include private companies and building owners, real estate companies, public authorities and building owners.

The mission of BELESCO is to stimulate and support the development of professional energy services in Belgium and its regions, as well on the demand side (end customers) and on the supply side (ESCOs and their partners, third party investors and banks) as on matching demand and supply (project facilitators and consultants).

BELESCO is a non-profit organization that also aims to promote good practices, provide a networking environment and represent the sector at the regional and federal policy level.

In the area of measurement & verification, BELESCO wants to support the implementation and development of the broadly used and recognized International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP), developed by EVO (Energy Efficiency Valuation Organization).


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