Bioenergetics Unit - ULiège

Regulation of photosynthesis, optimisation of microalgal biomass production, analysis of microalgal biomass.

Head Office

Bd du Rectorat 27, 4000 Liège, Belgique


Université de Liège - Communauté française

Enterprise number


Extraordinary engineering equipment :

  • Outdoor pilot plant for microalgal biomass production Services:

  • Analysis of microalgal biomass (lipids, fatty acids, antioxidants,…)

  • Media optimization for growth of specific microalgal species Training offer :

  • Optimization and monitoring of microalgal growth and biomass analysis Projects:

  • Micro-H2 : production of hydrogen by microorganisms

  • BIOVAMAT : new materials for photobioreactors

  • BEMA: biofuels from microalgal biomass

  • Astaxanthin production in photobioreactors

  • SUNBIOPATH : Towards a better sunlight to biomass conversion efficiency in microalgae, web site:


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