Energetic and Thermodynamics laboratory - ULiège

Carrying out numerical and experimental research activities in the field of thermal and energy systems : refrigeration, positive displacement machines (compressors and expanders), building physics and HVAC systems, combustion, internal combustion engines, etc.

Head Office

Chem. des Chevreuils, 4000 Liège, Belgique


Université de Liège - Communauté française

Enterprise number


  • Facilities for testing heat pumps and refrigeration systems.

  • Expertise in modeling thermal systems, energy conversion systems as well as for energy storage an transport.

  • Optimization and experimental performance evaluation of heat pumps, HVAC, refrigeration, micro-CHP systems,biomass CHP systems, steam plants.

  • Conventional and alternative fuels for internal combustion engines (gasoline and diesel) and for hot water boilers (natural gas, fuel oil and wood pellets), 

  • Condensation (with high amount of noncondensable gases) in heat exchangers ,

  • Measurements of thermophysical variables (temperature, pressure, flow rate, velocity, …)

Heating and cooling techniques:

  • Heat pump systems

  • Low enthalpy geothermal energy

Renewable power production:

  • Integration of renewable sources of energy (solar, wind, biomass, ...) and cogeneration

Extraordinary engineering equipment:

  • Test benches for internal combustion engines, 

  • domestic and semi-industrial hot water boilers and heat exchangers

Services and training offer:

  • Modelling and testing of the energetic and environmental performance of internal combustion engines (gasoline and diesel), hot water domestic boilers, heat exchangers

  • A finishing work study has been performed by one of my student on the energetic and environmental performance of a hot water domestic boiler fired with wood pellets. 

Distributed power production:

  • Small-scale and Organic Rankine cycles

  • Positive displacement expanders

  • Heat recovery in Industry and vehicles

  • Micro-CHP

Centralized heat and power production

  • Combined heat and power production

  • Integration of renewable energies in power systems (district heating networks, energy storage)

  • Performance monitoring of power plants

  • Design, construction and use of experimental test benches.

  • Modeling and simulation of thermal and thermodynamics systems

  • Expertise in optimization of biomass cogeneration plant (economic, energetic and environmental)

Integration of renewable energies in energy systems:

  • Thermal and electrical energy storage (CAES, hydraulic, high temperature storage)

  • Geotabs project. Towards a better knowledge of geothermal heat pump systems connectec to TABS. Coordinator: K.U.Leuven. ERA-SME/ERA-net. Period: 2011-2013.

  • Flexipac (Optimization of energy demand by controlling thermal systems (heat pumps, etc.) with a view to integrating into the grid intermittent energy sources and economic valorization of flexibility). Funding DGO4. Period 2012-2015.


  • Oudkerk, J.F, S. Quoilin, S. Declaye, L. Guillaume et V. Lemort. Evaluation of the Energy Performance of an ORC-based micro-CHP System Involving a Hermetic Scroll Expander. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. In press.

  • Lemort, V., S. Declaye and S. Quoilin. 2012. Experimental characterization of a hermetic scroll expander for use in a micro-scale Rankine cycle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, Volume 226 Issue 1, February 2012.

  • Quoilin, S., V. Lemort, and J. Lebrun. 2008. Study of an Organic Rankine Cycle Associated to a Biomass-Fuelled Boiler for Cogeneration Application, Proceedings of the First International Conference and Workshop on Micro-Cogeneration, Technologies and Applications, Ottawa, Canada.


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