European Heat Pump Association

The goal of our organization is to promote the use of geothermal energy in Europe.

Head Office

Rue d'Arlon 63/67, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgique



Enterprise number


The goal of our organization is to promote the use of geothermal energy in Europe in the following ways:First of all, by working with European institutions to establish a regulatory and institutional framework and financial instruments to enable geothermal energy to compete with other conventional sources of energy, and thus develop financial measures that take geothermal energy's environmental advantages into account.

  • By encouraging R&D in the field of geothermal energy using existing resources in Europe and by making the results of this R&D accessible to the general public in order to maximize the use of this renewable energy.

  • By working to expand the geothermal energy market across Europe and export European geothermal technology, services, and equipment to other parts of the world.

  • By lobbying governments and international organizations on behalf of the European geothermal energy industry and users in order to improve business conditions for the industry. 

  • By collaborating with national and international geothermal energy associations, and other organizations that promote renewable energy, in order to unite our forces to ensure successful development of these resources and increase geothermal energy use across Europe, and to promote inter-European cooperation.


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European Heat Pump Association

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