N-SIDE provides software and consultancy services to help pharmaceutical companies reduce waste in clinical trials, making them more efficient and faster. The company supports electricity market and grid managers to maximise the integration of renewable energies, ensuring a stable, reliable and affordable electricity supply.
Head Office
Boulevard Baudouin 1er 25, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
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N-SIDE is specialized in advanced analytics, combining management consulting with high-added value software development. N-SIDE works with clients to develop customized solutions to resolve their complex management problems and optimize their resource use while maximizing profits and minimizing risks. N-SIDE’s clients are among the biggest companies in their sectors in different types of industries including manufacturing (metallurgy, chemicals, etc.), pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and energy. N-SIDE currently has a strong presence in Europe, the United States, Russia, and Brazil.Knowledge & Skills N-SIDE is a key partner for the development of solutions to optimize demand side management, micro-grids, and energy markets. N-SIDE's two main solutions in the energy sector are: 1) EUPHEMIA: N-SIDE was appointed by the European Power Exchanges to develop a common algorithm for different day-ahead markets in Europe. The purpose of this algorithm is to calculate prices and volumes in the spot market across Europe and to allocate cross-border capacity on a day-ahead basis in order to maximize global economic welfare. This coupling algorithm has been in place since 2010 and is used on a daily basis in 19 European countries with a daily average value for matched trades of 200 million euros. 2) ENERTOP is a solution to help companies fully leverage their flexibility in terms of both consumption and self-generation of electricity. ENERTOP optimizes production schedules and energy supply strategies by recommending the most cost-effective moments for energy consumption, for energy production by combined heat and power (CHP), and for the sale or purchase of electricity on the market.
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