
Novallia loans subordinated to Walloon SMEs carriers of an innovation project.

Head Office

Av. Maurice Destenay 13, 4000 Liège, Belgique



Enterprise number


By the action of Novallia, innovative SMEs now easier access to funding and can more quickly and efficiently create value, with, to consequences expected, growth in the volume of activity and the volume of employment.

Novallia (Sowalfin group) offers a support and financial instruments to SMEs in the Walloon Region, in a desire to improve their energy efficiency or use of sources of E. R., as well as the development of smart grids and clean tech.

Novallia, has funded innovative projects in the broad sense, in the context of the ERDF 2007-2013 programming (50 Mio€), 40% for projects having a positive impact on the environment. The new ERDF (2014-2020) mission concerns the reduction of the carbon footprint of SMEs with a budget of 47 Mio€


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