Gardien du patrimoine naturel et rural de la Wallonie, le SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement en garantit sa sauvegarde dans une perspective de développement durable, destinée à garantir aux générations futures des ressources de qualité, indispensables à la vie.
Av. du Prince de Liège 15, 5100 Namur, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024
Solenco Power
Solenco Power NV is a Belgian SME company active in the R&D, design, manufacturing and distribution of (amongst others) hydrogen based products and services.
Slachthuisstraat 2, 2300 Turnhout, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Soltech is a long established Belgian company, a pioneer in Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy. In 1989 we designed our first stand-alone PV systems and as long ago as 1993, Soltech installed the first PV roof installation connected to the mains electricity grid in Belgium.
Rue du Lac 37, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Sotrad Water
Sotrad Water was set up to develop, manufacture, market and install water treatment plants capable of producing between 1m³ and 200m³ of water per hour from surface water.
Rue de l'Artisanat 5a, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique
Last updated: 05/08/2024
Sowalwatt is a business unit within the Pardis Group that aims to integrate complete energy systems, that is to say integrating the dimensions of electricity generation, storage and resale, at the sites owned by the group.
Chaussée de Tirlemont 75, 5030 Gembloux, Belgique
Last updated: 10/01/2025
Spa Monopole
Spa Monopole, founded in 1921 in Spa, is the subsidiary that created the Spadel Group, a Belgian group that produces and markets natural mineral waters, spring waters and natural mineral water-based soft drinks.
Rue Auguste Laporte 34, 4900 Spa, Belgique
Last updated: 19/08/2024
SPARX Industries
Design, manufacture and assembly of all types of piping and boilerwork, including installation and maintenance. Management of all types of fluids in all materials.
Zoning Industriel 2ème 20, 6040 Charleroi, Belgique
Last updated: 13/12/2024
Innovative nanomaterials membrane substrates.
Rue de l'Eglise 43, 4100 Seraing, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
SPI is the regional development agency for the province of Liège. With its three complementary business lines - regional development, infrastructure and services - it offers an integrated solution to its customers, whether private companies or public authorities.
Rue du Vertbois 11, 4000 Liège, Belgique
Last updated: 23/01/2025
SPIE Belgium
Offre de services dans les domaines du génie électrique, mécanique et climatique, de l'énergie, des réseaux de communications et des infrastructures. Les marchés principaux sont les bâtiments efficients, la gestion de l'énergie, les services industriels et le domaine des smart cities.
Rue des Deux Gares 150, 1070 Anderlecht, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
SPW Mobilité et Infrastructures
Le SPW Mobilité et Infrastructures initie et coordonne la politique à suivre en matière de transport (par route, rail, air, eau) et de mobilité.
Bd du N 8, 5000 Namur, Belgique
Last updated: 25/03/2024
SRM Global Technology
SRM is specialized in the installation of photovoltaic power plants.
Av. de l'Energie 25, 4432 Ans, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Storm Management
Storm is accelerating the transition to a climate-neutral society. We are doing this by developing, building and operating onshore wind farms at the lowest possible social cost. We have over fifty wind turbines, either already in operation or being built, enough to meet the annual electricity consumption of around 120,000 families.
Borsbeeksebrug 22, 2600 Antwerpen, Belgique
Last updated: 20/08/2024
Stream and River Consult
Stream & River is bio-engineering consultancy firm founded in 2009, bringing together biologists, bioengineers, hydrologists and civil engineers, specializing in river renaturation, aquatic ecosystems management, hydromorphology, hydrology, eco-hydraulics and biological monitoring.
Bd de la Meuse 88, 5100 Namur, Belgique
Last updated: 03/10/2024
STX Commodities
STX is a leading global Environmental Commodity Trader, and a Climate Solutions provider for corporations.
Vijzelstraat 79, 1017 HG Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Creator and manufacturer of wood stoves and consulting firm with industrial partners.
Rue Jules Borbouse 4, 5170 Bois-de-Villers, Belgique
Last updated: 11/09/2024
Sun For Schools
Sun for Schools supports schools in green energy production by mobilizing communities and by creating a favourable environment for future generations to environmental awareness.
Rue Georges De Lombaerde 41, 1140 Evere, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Sunoptimo is a specialized manufacturer of solar thermal systems. Sunoptimo's main focus is the collective solar thermal market, but we also cover the combined systems market (domestic hot water as well as space and/or pool heating), and by extension, the individual market.
Rue Ernest Matagne 32, 5330 Assesse, Belgique
Last updated: 24/06/2024
Partenaire de votre transition énergétique.
Tige du Paz 7, 4537 Verlaine, Belgique
Last updated: 15/05/2024
SWITCH Tihange
SWITCH's mission: to define and implement an economic redeployment plan for the Huy-Waremme district.
Last updated: 08/10/2024
SynHERA, to better symbolize the synergy between high schools and companies for applied research.
Rue des Pieds d'Alouette 39, 5100 Namur, Belgique
Last updated: 13/12/2024
Rue Géry Everaerts 45, 1300 Wavre, Belgique
Last updated: 21/10/2024
Competence centre specialised in three areas (industry, digital and mobility) accompanying through advice, training and STEM awareness, company staff, students and teachers and job seekers in the acquisition of skills in response to needs.
Rue du Bois Saint-Jean 15/17, 4102 Seraing, Belgique
Last updated: 13/08/2024
TechnoCampus propose des formations pour les entreprises du secteur industriel dans de nombreux domaines d’activités : soudure, tuyauterie, automatisme, robotique, conception, dessin industriel, maintenance, métrologie, sécurité, hydraulique, pneumatique, technique du froid, usinage.
Rue Auguste Piccard 23, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique
Last updated: 09/02/2024
Technofutur TIC
Competence centre commissioned by the Walloon Region to implement a high-level awareness, information and training project in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.
Avenue Jean Mermoz 18, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique
Last updated: 30/09/2024