SPW Économie, Emploi, Recherche

The SPW Economy, Employment, Research implements the Walloon Government’s policy in the fields of Economy, Employment, and Research, including within the framework of European Union programs.

Head Office

Pl. de la Wallonie 1, 5100 Namur, Belgique


Waalse Overheidsdienst

Enterprise number


The website of the SPW Economy, Employment, Research presents the missions and activities carried out by this public service within the Walloon Government. This service is responsible for implementing public policies in the fields of economy, employment, and research in Wallonia. It supports innovation, economic development, and job creation, working in collaboration with various institutional stakeholders and applying tailored support strategies to meet the needs of the region. The SPW Economy, Employment, Research also coordinates European programs to promote economic growth and regional competitiveness. It provides information and tools to assist businesses, researchers, and workers, in connection with local, regional, and European initiatives and projects. The site offers resources on various support mechanisms, calls for projects, and practical information for companies looking to grow, innovate, or improve their competitiveness. It serves as a key reference point for all economic and research stakeholders in Wallonia.


11 person(s) associated to this profile.

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1 profile(s) associated to this profile.

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View Service Public de Wallonie's profile


The mission of the Walloon Public Service is to implement the policy decided by the Walloon Government, in the areas of competence and responsibility devolved to it. It is made up of 8 entities.

Pl. Joséphine-Charlotte 2, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 20/02/2025

SPW Économie, Emploi, Recherche

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