Université de Namur

Already renowned for its excellence in teaching, the University of Namur is increasingly recognized for the quality of its research. Founded in 1831, the University of Namur aims to develop quality projects and belongs to and partakes in several, often interdisciplinary, research networks at local, regional, federal, European and international level.

Head Office

Rue de Bruxelles 61, 5000 Namur, Belgique


Université de Namur

Enterprise number


Already renowned for its excellence in teaching, the University of Namur is increasingly recognized for the quality of its research. Founded in 1831, the University of Namur aims to develop quality projects and belongs to and partakes in several, often interdisciplinary, research networks at local, regional, federal, European and international level.

Its research aims primarily excellence and maintains the necessary balance between basic and oriented research. She excels particularly in sectors such as health sciences (senescence, thrombosis, eco-toxicology, cancer, ...), science and technology (nanotechnology and nanotoxicology, surface treatments, new materials and renewable energy, biophotonics, complex systems , mobility, software engineering ...) and humanities (development economics, linguistics of sign language, information, law and society ...). She participates in many research projects funded by the European Union, the federal state, the regions and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. She collaborates with numerous Belgian and foreign companies.

The results of research within the University led to the filing of numerous patents, to technology transfer to industry and to the creation of spin-offs such as Nanocyl in 2002 (3rd world producer of carbon nanotubes leader), Fytofend in 2009 (specialized in plant protection by elicitors) and Accetics in 2012 (specialized in the study and consultancy in information and communication technology adapted to people with disabilities).


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Université de Namur

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