DIS 4 ecosystem
Based in Belgium, AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and distributes flat glass for the construction (external glazing and interior decorative glass), automotive (original & replacement glass) and solar sectors. It is the European branch of AGC Glass, the world's largest producer of flat glass.
Avenue Jean Monnet 4, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Last updated: 16/01/2025

Agfa-Gevaert est une entreprise belge, basée en Flandre. Elle est issue de la fusion en 1964 des sociétés Agfa et Gevaert.
Septestraat 27, 2640 Mortsel, Belgique
Last updated: 14/11/2024

Air Liquide
Air Liquide has been developing unique expertise in the mastery of the entire hydrogen chain (production, storage, and distribution).
Quai des Vennes 8, 4031 Liège, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024

Specialised in additive technologies (3D printing) for industry, Any-Shape has state-of-the-art equipment for the production of industrial parts in metal, plastic and composites.
Rue des Technologies 1, 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet, Belgique
Last updated: 03/12/2024

Research activities of Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department cover a wide range of fluid mechanics applications including lubrication for aero-engines and machine tools, CFD, UAV’s, renewable energy, heat exchangers, helicopters, space propulsion, N2/O2 separation, micro climate, etc.
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 29/03/2024

Mission UK - Volet Energie
Olympia Events, Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UX, Royaume-Uni
En marge du salon Innovation Zero (UK's largest net zero congress), le Cluster TWEED, GreenWin et l’AWEX, vous propose d'organiser une mission de prospection énergie/construction du 28 au 30 avril 2024.
Action Plans
The AMORCE project (Macro and Microeconomic Analysis for Optimization and Replicability of Energy Communities) aims to study the societal gain linked to the development of new energy exchange modes, and to propose coherent schemes and models of pricing/protocol/security for all actors, and above all, understandable to citizens and end users.