Heat networks


View Artesia's profile


Integrator of consultancy, services, design and development of software products with very high technical and strategic value in the field of subsoil recovery and groundwater management for energy, industrial and environmental applications.

Rue du Bois Saint-Jean 15, 4031 Seraing, Belgique

Last updated: 10/09/2024

View Eurodrill's profile


Founded in 1992, Eurodrill has carried out more than a thousand boreholes throughout Belgium and has become a recognized partner in the sector. Specialized in the drilling of water wells, this growing family business has been successfully diversifying its activities over the past ten years: pumping installations and tests, geothermal drilling, monitoring of water resources, consultancy, R&D.

Rue de la Béôle 116, 4050 Chaudfontaine, Belgique

Last updated: 24/06/2024

View Karno's profile


Karno is a competitive, efficient and sustainable thermal energy network developer.

Rue David van Bever 39, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgique

Last updated: 16/08/2024

View Line Corner's profile

Line Corner

Business-oriented energy experts willing to have an impact by helping corporations take the right decisions in order accelerate their sustainable transition.

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Luminus's profile


First challenger on the Belgian energy market, Luminus is a major renewable electricity producer and energy services supplier.

Bld du Roi Albert II 7, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 28/08/2024

View Phreatis's profile


Phreatis is an engineering engineering study office specialized in hydrogeology applied to shallow geothermal (up to 300 m / 20 °C), deep geothermal (up to 2000 m / 70 °C), civil engineering and water forages.

Rue Laurent Delvaux 31, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique

Last updated: 04/09/2024

View Resolia's profile


What we do best: Decarbonising heating and cooling systems via heat networks.

Chemin du Cyclotron 6, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

Last updated: 24/06/2024

View Cluster TWEED's profile


A Walloon organisation bringing together companies active in the sustainable energy sector, Cluster Tweed initiates, participates in and monitors a wide range of projects in various sectors (wind power, photovoltaics, geothermal energy, smartgrids, etc.) and professions (R&D, financing, manufacturing, marketing, etc.).

Last updated: 24/06/2024

View Veolia's profile


Veolia provides innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainable growth of cities and companies. Veolia is a world leader in the provision of energy services.

Quai Fernand Demets 52, 1070 Anderlecht, Belgique

Last updated: 22/08/2024

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View Walvert's profile


For the past 10 years, Walvert has specialized in the development of agricultural organic methanisation projects in the Wallonne Region.

Grand Rue 70, 6530 Thuin, Belgique

Last updated: 19/03/2024

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