Hydrogen industry
Air Liquide
Air Liquide has been developing unique expertise in the mastery of the entire hydrogen chain (production, storage, and distribution).
Quai des Vennes 8, 4031 Liège, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024
Applied Microbiology - Bioengineering Unit - UCLouvain
Bioconversion: production of bacterial, fungal, algal, animal cell biomass & metabolites in bioreactors; Enzymatic and biological processing of biomass, biowastes and wastewater; Biomethanation; Biotransformation of biomass into biofuels and molecules of industrial interest (biorefining).
Croix du S 2, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Last updated: 30/07/2024
Research activities of Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department cover a wide range of fluid mechanics applications including lubrication for aero-engines and machine tools, CFD, UAV’s, renewable energy, heat exchangers, helicopters, space propulsion, N2/O2 separation, micro climate, etc.
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 29/03/2024
ATM-Pro specialized in environmental software, impact studies and long-term and short-term environmental impact assessment.
Rue Saint-André 5, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024
Production of bioethanol based on beet thick juice and wheat grain, with gluten wheat protein extraction and CDS (Condensed Distilate grain Solubes).
Rue Léon Charlier 11, 4520 Wanze, Belgique
Last updated: 12/08/2024
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Action Plans
Le projet « INTERESTS » ou « INTE grated R enewable E nergy power ST ationS » vise l’intégration mixte d’une exploitation « domestique » (véhicules/ « pompes » / « car pooling/sharing ») et d’une exploitation « industrielle » (production et écoulement H2 , flexibilité par rapport au réseau) de cette électricité « locale ».
The obstacles to achieving carbon neutrality in heavy-duty vehicles are becoming more evident. While there is potential for further efficiency enhancements in diesel trucks, or adopting alternative fuels like biofuels and natural gas, a genuinely emission-free option—alongside low-carbon energy sources upstream—is essential for reaching ambitious long-term CO2 reduction targets.
BE-HyFE is a Belgian academic collaboration project, funded by the federal Energy Transition Fund, bringing together all Belgian knowledge institutes to join forces in fundamental research on the topic of hydrogen.
Long-life materials for hydrogen-air PEM fuel cells.
H2WIN développe l'énergie propre de demain à partir de l'eau et du soleil en s'inspirant de la photosynthèse. La greentech belge H2WIN, pionnière dans le développement d'un nouveau vecteur énergétique écologique décarboné, a mis au point H2GREEN, un procédé révolutionnaire de production d'hydrogène solaire et d'électricité verte qui s'inspire du principe de la photosynthèse.