Training & Certification


View ADS Company's profile

ADS Company

ADS Company is an integrator of automation solutions for businesses and communities.

Rue Vivier le Duc 3, 1490 Court-St.-Étienne, Belgique

Last updated: 14/01/2024

View Aquapôle - ULiège's profile

Aquapôle - ULiège

Located within the Sart Tilman University campus in Liège, Aquapole is a research and development centre and expertise in water sciences serving public institutions and businesses, both regional and international.

Campus de l'Université de Liège - Sart Tilman, Allée de la Découverte 11, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Becquerel Institute's profile

Becquerel Institute

The Becquerel Institute provides research and advisory services to private companies as well as to public and institutional organisations in the field of renewable energies, and PV electricity in particular. It provides advisory excellence by combining a recognised high quality internal expertise...

Rue Royale 146, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 30/07/2024

View Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation - ULiège's profile


Buildings are responsible for 40% of the energy consumption in industrialized countries. Research activities are necessary both at building design and operation levels and have to target a better integration of renewables.

Av. de Longwy 185, 6700 Arlon, Belgique

Last updated: 24/06/2024

View AIB Vinçotte Belgium's profile


AIB Vinçotte Belgium est actif dans les contrôles réglementaires (électricité, levage, etc.).

Rue Phocas Lejeune 11, 5032 Isnes, Belgique

Last updated: 14/01/2024


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