Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation - ULiège

Buildings are responsible for 40% of the energy consumption in industrialized countries. Research activities are necessary both at building design and operation levels and have to target a better integration of renewables.

Head Office

Av. de Longwy 185, 6700 Arlon, Belgique


Université de Liège - Communauté française

Enterprise number


BEMS is active in and developing expertise in the following fields:

Rational use of energy

  • Building Energy Management

  • Verification of the Energy Performance of Buildings •Commissioning of HVAC installations

  • Regulatory methods and standards

  • Climatic chamber tests

Renewable energy

  • Management and control of solar buildings •Solar refrigeration

  • Solar energy storage

The relationship between energy and the environment

  • The environmental impact of energy solutions

Our team is specialized in the monitoring and dynamic modeling of buildings and systems.

Knowledge & Skills

Our team has developed expertise in the field of smart grids, particularly involving two major projects the team has worked on or is currently working on:

We have expertise in smart networks, problems related to intermittent renewable energy production, adjustable loads, flexibilization, heating systems (heat pumps, CHP) that allow for flexible operations with or without energy storage in the building or using traditional storage solutions.

Our team also supervises Master’s theses on the topic of smart grids.


  • Walloon Region Solautark - Design and development of a self-sufficient solar thermal system for individual or multiple habitat

  • Projet SOTHERCO : Solar Thermochemical Compact Storage System


2 person(s) associated to this profile.

Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation - ULiège

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