Energy efficiency
Altéris Technologies
We specialise in electronics development based on 4 key areas: ultra-low power consumption (battery-powered or energy recovery systems), intelligent sensors, difficult integration (industrial environments, aggressive environments, miniaturisation, etc.) and wired and wireless communications.
Chem. de la Platte 50, 4845 Jalhay, Belgique
Last updated: 25/07/2024
Buildings are responsible for 40% of the energy consumption in industrialized countries. Research activities are necessary both at building design and operation levels and have to target a better integration of renewables.
Av. de Longwy 185, 6700 Arlon, Belgique
Last updated: 24/06/2024
BPIE est le principal groupe de réflexion indépendant européen sur la performance énergétique des bâtiments. Notre vision est un environnement bâti neutre sur le climat, aligné sur l'ambition de l'Accord de Paris et en faveur d'une société juste et durable.
Rue de la Science 23, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 30/07/2024
Buildwise supports the construction sector in its technological, economic and societal evolution through collaborative research and innovation. It carries out research for the benefit of its members and provides them with information, assistance and technical advice.
Rue du Lombard 42, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 21/01/2025
Bureau d'experts Ph. Deplasse et associés
Engineering consultancy specialising in special building techniques, i.e. all technical equipment linked to energy and providing comfort and safety for occupants.
Chaussée de la Hulpe 181, 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024
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Action Plans
RenoWatt is an active purchasing centre in the energy transition of public buildings.
The Mineral LOOP project aims to design, develop, install, and operate a pilot plant on a Carmeuse site for the transformation of mineral waste/by-products with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes per year, using hydraulic setting and carbonation reactions at ambient pressure and temperature. This pilot will be powered by industrial CO₂ from lime kilns.
PLANUM - Contribution to the decrease of carbon footprint in the aviation sector
Contribution to the decrease of carbon footprint in the aviation sector through an industrial management of the end of life of planes with the support of digitalization and advanced circularity of planes composing materials.
CARBOC -Carboc capture and storage bycarbonation of bottom ash and concrete with reduced cement content
Project to develop CO2 capture and storage by carbonation of bottom ash and concrete with reduced cement content