Improving water management in public housing

Water Management in Social Housing: Information and Discussion Day with SWL and Cluster H2O

Société Wallonne du Logement (SWL) and Cluster H2O invite you to an information and discussion day dedicated to water management in social housing.


On 27/03/24 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm



Rue Saucin 70, Gembloux, Belgique


Representatives of public housing and social real estate companies.


Participation gratuite

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Water is a fundamental common resource, essential to human development and inseparable from our homes.

Faced with the challenges of water management in buildings and water insecurity, it is essential for Walloon public housing to integrate this issue into its social missions and investment plans.

For these reasons, Cluster H2O and Société Wallonne du Logement (SWL) have joined forces to organize an information and discussion day on March 27, dedicated entirely to water management in public housing. The proposed program is designed to meet the specific needs of the technical and social teams of Wallonia's 62 public housing companies.

This event is part of Cluster H2O's mission to coordinate the Circular Wallonia strategy for water, and is supported by the Wallonia Recovery Plan.


09:00 Welcome

09:30 Introduction to the day by Cluster H2O and Société Wallonne du Logement

  • Soil permeability tests and interpretation of results Benjamin Gérard, Raison

  • Site-specific solutions for water infiltration Olivier Bastin, Almadius

  • Water reuse in housing Romain Millecamps, Naturem Solutions

  • Testimonial on the SLSP Sambre et Biesme project to combat water scarcity Stéphanie Lorent, social referent SLSP Sambre Et Biesme

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30 PM Afternoon presentations

  • Leak detection in housing

  • The vast market in anti-scaling devices: how to find your way around without making a mistake Pascale Steenhoudt, Buildwise

  • Certibeau Caroline Frebutte, SPGE

  • The right gestures to optimize water use Renaud De Bruyn, Ecoconso

Registration required by March 20 via the online form


2 speaker(s) associated to this event.

Benjamin Gérard


Olivier Bastin



2 profile(s) associated to this event.

View Société wallonne du logement's profile


The Walloon Housing Corporation (SWL) oversees, on behalf of the Walloon Government, the supervision, advice, and technical, financial, and administrative support for public housing companies.

Rue de l'Ecluse 21, 6000 Charleroi, Belgique

Last updated: 15/11/2024

View Cluster H2O's profile

Cluster H2O

A Walloon cluster entirely dedicated to players and technologies in the water sector, it was created and validated by Wallonia.

Clos Chanmurly 13, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 29/07/2024


4 profile(s) associated to this event.

View Société Publique de Gestion de l'Eau's profile

Société Publique de Gestion de l'Eau

The SPGE's main mission is to coordinate and finance the water sector in Wallonia. In consultation with the other water partners, it is primarily responsible for wastewater treatment (from the sewer to the treatment plant) and the protection of water catchments.

Rue des Ecoles 17, 4800 Verviers, Belgique

Last updated: 22/11/2024

View Buildwise's profile


Buildwise supports the construction sector in its technological, economic and societal evolution through collaborative research and innovation. It carries out research for the benefit of its members and provides them with information, assistance and technical advice.

Rue du Lombard 42, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 18/02/2025

View Naturem Solutions's profile

Naturem Solutions

NATUREM SOLUTIONS is a consultancy in water efficiency / conservation and circular economy (water reuse & recycling, by-product valorisation). We also provide nature-based solutions and re-connect infrastructures and projects to the natural water circle.

Chau. de Marche 940, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 22/02/2024

View RAISÔ's profile


RAISô propose un service de consultance en environnement, spécialisé dans la gestion des eaux souterraines et de surface. Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets : infiltration des eaux pluviales et usées, tests de perméabilité, captages d'eau, zones de prévention, études hydrogéologiques.

Rue de la Faille 1, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 14/01/2024

Improving water management in public housing
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