Administration de la Recherche - UNamur

L’Administration de la Recherche (ADRE) supporte les chercheurs de l’Université de Namur dans leur mission de recherche et de service à la société. Elle joue notamment le rôle d’interface avec les entreprises pour favoriser les partenariats entre la recherche académique et le monde extérieur.

Head Office

Rue de Bruxelles 61, 5000 Namur, Belgique


Université de Namur

Enterprise number


To fulfill its role as a research-business interface, the Research Administration offers two main types of actions:

Service to researchers 

  • Provision of tools and support for the accomplishment of research missions;

  • Organization of transversal training courses;

  • Assistance in finding funding and setting up research projects;

  • Assistance in the valorization of research results (IP management, legal support, technology transfer, spin-off support);

  • Promotion of university skills.

Service to companies

  • Presentation and identification of university skills in response to needs;

  • Promotion of partnerships;

  • Assistance in setting up research-company projects...

The Valorization Unit informs researchers on all issues related to Intellectual Property and assists them in their valorization process; but it also identifies industrial partners for research projects and proposes licensing offers, remarkable equipment and know-how from UNamur.

At UNamur, sustainable development is at the heart of many research projects. The environment is at the heart of most of them. Some projects seek to understand and preserve the various components of our natural environment: lakes, ponds and rivers, for our organism biologists; the aerosphere, for our spectrometry physicists; the earth and the natural risks to which it is exposed, for our geologists. Others are interested in the interaction between man and his natural environment, in particular by studying the best practices in agriculture or aquaculture, within teams of biologists, geographers or veterinarians. Still others are seeking to propose innovative solutions to reduce man's ecological footprint: experts in nanotechnology, physicists and chemists, are interested in new molecules or new materials; mathematicians are modeling transportation and evaluating more ecological alternatives to our current habits; computer scientists, for their part, are considering the potential contribution of intelligent systems that promote ecologically responsible behavior.


2 person(s) associated to this profile.

Administration de la Recherche - UNamur

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