
Canopea works to raise the voice of the Walloon environmental movement on issues of preserving water resources, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. This subject is addressed through our advocacy, awareness-raising and continuing education activities, adopting as systemic a vision as possible.

Head Office

Bd Ernest Mélot 5, 5000 Namur, Belgique



Enterprise number


Canopea, a federation of environmental associations, was founded in 1974. It represents 130 associations whose actions range from local to international. Originally active in land use planning, environmental pollution and agriculture/nature, it has extended its field of action to mobility, energy, environmental health, food and tourism.

The federation is recognised for the quality of its work in Continuing Education. Critical monitoring of public policies and proposals for concrete and innovative solutions are combined in the desire to accelerate the ecological and solidarity-based transition. Canopea also works to improve democratic participation in decision-making.


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