
Care4Water is a Belgian company that has developed an in situ chlorine production technology that enables water to be disinfected in a totally automated, safe and environmentally-friendly way. Care4Water operates in a wide range of sectors, including drinking water, RWT, leisure water and the food industry.

Head Office

Pl. de la Station 3, 7880 Flobecq, Belgique



Enterprise number


Care4Water locally ensures safe, simple, and cost-effective water disinfection. The targeted sectors include:

  • Drinking Water: Production of drinking water and re-chlorination of networks, treatment of well, rain, and river water. An economical and resource-efficient alternative for safe water access, suitable for rural communities as well as urban metropolises ;

  • Cooling Towers: Preventive treatment of Legionella in cooling water systems, equally effective for domestic hot water systems ;

  • Agri-food: Washing and disinfection of fruits and vegetables, breweries, dairy products, farming, and irrigation ;

  • Public Swimming Pools: Such as municipal pools, campgrounds, water parks, wellness centers and spas, hotel, hospital, and school pools.


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