Aquatic leisure


View Almadius's profile


ALMADIUS SRL is a consultancy active in the various fields of environmental engineering, including : domestic and industrial wastewater management ; drinking water management ; rainwater and surface water management ; this includes audits, studies, construction, commissioning and operation, as well as institutional support.

Chau. de Waterloo 320, 5002 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 14/02/2025

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View Care4water's profile


Care4Water is a Belgian company that has developed an in situ chlorine production technology that enables water to be disinfected in a totally automated, safe and environmentally-friendly way. Care4Water operates in a wide range of sectors, including drinking water, RWT, leisure water and the food industry.

Pl. de la Station 3, 7880 Flobecq, Belgique

Last updated: 13/08/2024

View Celabor 's profile


CELABOR, Smart Nature for Better Life. As a scientific and technical service center, Celabor promotes sustainable development through its expertise and advice to companies in the fields of FOOD, EXTRACT, ENVIRONMENT, MATERIALS (packaging, textiles and bio-based applications)

Av. du Parc 38, 4650 Herve, Belgique

Last updated: 18/02/2025

View Cluster H2O's profile

Cluster H2O

A Walloon cluster entirely dedicated to players and technologies in the water sector, it was created and validated by Wallonia.

Clos Chanmurly 13, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 29/07/2024

View Contrat de Rivière Moselle ASBL's profile

Contrat de Rivière Moselle ASBL

Active in the Our, Attert and Haute-Sûre catchment areas, the Moselle river contract brings together all the river users who have a direct or indirect influence on the quality of the water and the river habitat. The aim is to establish collaboration between all the players in order to describe and resolve the problems raised.

von-Orley-Straße 24, 4790 Burg-Reuland, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024


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