Contrat de Rivière Senne

CR Senne protects the water of the Senne in Wallonia by bringing together local stakeholders. Their goal: restore and preserve water quality while balancing human activities. They compile a inventory of degradations, develop action plans, and raise public awareness.

Head Office

Pl. Josse Goffin 1, 1480 Tubize, Belgique

The CR Senne conducts a field inventory every 3 years by surveying classified watercourses within its territory. This inventory drives on-the-ground actions such as clean-ups, dredging, management of invasive plants, and active awareness campaigns.

A significantly developed area: education for primary and secondary schools! Our educational modules cover all aspects of water and are tailored to children of all ages in primary school as well as certain secondary school classes. Whenever possible, the activities take place (partially) outdoors, either along a river or at the edge of a water body (pond).

Another crucial area: the eco-caretakers! As "field personnel," they support our partners (municipalities, provinces, regions, etc.) in project implementation, field visits, assistance with routine maintenance of small watercourses, etc. They also possess excellent local knowledge!

Another significant focus is flood prevention. Since the major floods of 2010 in the Senne sub-basin, a flood platform has been established, convening annually for all partners to discuss and share information on upstream and downstream initiatives within their working area. An interregional platform (Brussels, Flanders, and Wallonia) meets approximately every 10 years (2012 and 2023).

And much more! From combating invasive exotic species, creating waterway trails, cleaning watercourses, to participating in European projects (LIFE Belini and RIPARIAS), etc.


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Contrat de Rivière Senne

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