Center for Operations Research and Econometrics - UCLouvain

Our group is focused on research in the broad area of electric power systems planning and operations and electricity market design.

Head Office

Voie du Roman Pays 34, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique


Université Catholique de Louvain

Enterprise number


Specific areas of expertise include:

  • Renewable energy integration

  • Demand response integration

  • Optimal operation and expansion of transmission network

  • Capacity mechanisms

  • Distributed computing for large-scale optimization

Connaissances & compétences


  • Energy market modeling

  • Optimization

  • Large-scale computing


  • Studies

  • Teaching

  • Software development

  • Products/technologies:

the following software has been developed by our group

  • FAST: an an easy-to-use Stochastic Dynamic Dual Programming toolbox for Matla

  • SSLR: an optimization and simulation application for unit commitment and economic dispatch

  • DAMiEn: an application for optimizing the self-scheduling of combined cycle units in day-ahead markets subject to electricity price uncertainty


1 person(s) associated to this profile.

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