CRM Group - Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques

The CRM Group was formed through the merging of the talents and resources of two research centers: the Center for Research in Metallurgy and the Center for Advanced Coatings & Construction Solutions.

Head Office



Enterprise number


The CRM Group provides its members with R&D and technology solutions, focusing on process and product developments and their application with a view to innovation and value creation. The CRM Group relies on teams of researchers whose skills and experience are widely recognized, as well as on unique equipment covering the entire metal chain, from production to the most advanced applications, from the laboratory to industrial pilot scale. The CRM Group has several large-scale pilot lines designed and built by its own engineering department. Our Innovation is structured along five axes:

  • Sustainable production: steel and metal fabrication, recycling and recovery of by-products Energy efficiency

  • Development of metal products combining casting and solidification, hot and cold rolling, thermomechanical treatment and cooling, physical metallurgy and the design of new properties

  • Surface treatments: the development of new technologies to obtain functionalized surfaces, through vacuum or wet conversion treatments, metallic deposits or organic coatings.

  • Advanced metallic materials and solutions, as well as new measurement sensors. The construction sector is particularly concerned by the search for new solutions (e.g. photovoltaic roofs). Particular attention is paid to technical support for small and medium-sized enterprises.


7 person(s) associated to this profile.

CRM Group - Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques

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