Commission wallonne pour l’Énergie

The Walloon Commission for Energy is the official regulator of the Walloon gas and electricity markets.

Head Office

Rte de Louvain-la-Neuve 4, 5001 Namur, Belgique



Enterprise number


The Walloon Commission for Energy is the official regulator of the Walloon gas and electricity markets.

The CWaPE is entrusted with an advisory mission to the public authorities and a general monitoring and control mission. It carries out these tasks both as regards the organization and functioning of the regional electricity and gas markets and as regards the application of the related decrees and implementing decrees.

Based on the experience gained and listening to the expectations of stakeholders, it has a coherent and rewarding vision of what could be the market of tomorrow.

Anchoring our values: anticipation, cooperation, respect and responsibility

Anchored in the way we assume the role of regulator, the values ​​that we defend in our everyday behavior, both internally and vis-à-vis our external interlocutors, will thereby permeate the market. The anchor that we cast thus will not have to immobilize the ship, but constitute the fixed point to which each actor knows that it can certainly attach itself, whatever the winds which blow in the sails, whatever the storms which shake the waves.


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Commission wallonne pour l’Énergie

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