Eloy Water

We specialise in plot-based water management for both private individuals and local authorities.
All our products are designed, manufactured, distributed and maintained in-house. They benefit from exclusive industrial processes at the cutting edge of technology, enabling us to offer you the very best in water management.

Head Office

Rue des Spinettes 13, 4140 Sprimont, Belgique



Enterprise number


Protecting water resources and guaranteeing access to them, treating and purifying them to restore their original quality, enabling them to return to the water table as quickly as possible and thus ensuring the long-term survival of drinking water supplies... These are the missions that eloy water has been pursuing for more than 50 years. 200 talented people work to create its products, support its customers and operate and maintain its solutions. Based in Sprimont, the production site for eloy water products is at the cutting edge of technology and safety. With 100% control over the manufacture of its products, eloy water forges its experience and know-how in the unique relationship we build with our partners. Thanks to its total mastery of water treatment and management technologies, eloy water products offer practical solutions for private individuals, local authorities, businesses and small industries. With the most advanced Quality Certifications issued by specialised independent bodies, eloy water solutions offer security and peace of mind to both the professionals who install them and the owners who operate them. As an agent of change, eloy water works alongside other manufacturers, professionals in the sector and public services to contribute to better management, use and development of water, at plot level.As a player in circularity, all our actions are geared towards reducing our environmental impact and eco-design, in particular through the use of recycled materials, the reuse of waste and the supply of renewable energy. Already looking to the future, eloy water is investing massively in innovation to offer complete systems for managing water (wastewater, rainwater, industrial water, etc.) on a global scale and thus meet tomorrow's social and environmental challenges.


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