Microsys - ULiège

Microsystems research and development laboratory at the University of Liège, part of the Montefiore Institute: modelling, design, packaging (placement and bonding, interconnection, encapsulation), characterisation and testing of microsystems and research into autonomous, wireless and energy recovery systems.

Head Office

Rue du Bois Saint-Jean 15/17, 4102 Seraing, Belgique


Université de Liège - Communauté française

Enterprise number


MICROSYS is a laboratory of the University of Liege belonging to the Montefiore Institute (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). It was created in 2007 with the support of Walloon Government and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Microsys conducts inter-disciplinary research in the following cutting-edge fields:

  • Exploratory research on micro-assembly, interconnection methods and packaging, including techniques for harsh environment and biochips

  • Exploratory research on MEMS sensors, including simulation, design and characterization

  • Path finding research on energy harvesting

  • Design of ultra-low-power microsystems using components off-the-shelf, from packaged to bare dies

Microsys main facility is a 200 m² clean room certified ISO 7 (Class 10,000) including equipment for production and characterization of microsystems.

The Microsys team consists of 16 skillful members; among of them 10 are highly educated researchers (including 2 professors and 2 Ph.D. scientists) and 4 Ph.D. students.


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Microsys - ULiège

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