NordiTube Technologies SE

Norditube specialises in the manufacture of resin-impregnated textile liners for the trenchless rehabilitation of drinking water, sewage, gas and oil pipes, etc. This technique avoids opening up the roadway and enables the pipe to be put back into service very quickly.

Head Office

Rue Ernest Solvay 181, 4000 Liège, Belgique


norditube technologies

Enterprise number


Maintaining the functionality of drinking water networks is essential to maintaining our standard of living, and is a major responsibility for water suppliers.

For over 30 years, NordiTube has successfully supplied trenchless technologies for water networks and has developed high-pressure ducts with certified approvals for drinking water.


Networks around the world are threatened by ageing, deposits and corrosion. Leaky connections and cracks are a danger to the environment and lead to the loss of precious resources such as drinking water, gas and oil.

Replacing pipes in open trenches is time-consuming, expensive, noisy and often causes major traffic disruption. Our trenchless technologies offer a modern solution, and we have been successfully applying them for many years in rehabilitation projects for public and private sewer network operators, to facilitate rapid, efficient and environmentally-friendly repair and renewal of sewer systems.


  • Preservation of surface and underground infrastructure

  • Minimal disruption to traffic

  • Low noise and dust pollution for local residents

  • Protection of the environment by reducing CO2 emissions

  • Extremely short lead times

  • High return on investment

  • Restoration of the functionality of a sewer network for many decades to come.


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NordiTube Technologies SE

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