Spa Monopole

Spa Monopole, founded in 1921 in Spa, is the subsidiary that created the Spadel Group, a Belgian group that produces and markets natural mineral waters, spring waters and natural mineral water-based soft drinks.

Head Office

Rue Auguste Laporte 34, 4900 Spa, Belgique


SPA MONOPOLE, Compagnie Fermière de Spa

Enterprise number


The Spadel Group markets brands of natural mineral water, spring water and natural water-based soft drinks from six European sites: Spa and Bru in Benelux, Wattwiller and Carola in France, Devin in Bulgaria and Brecon Carreg in the UK. Total production is almost 850 million litres a year.

Committed to preserving its environment, which is essential to the long-term future of its activities, Spadel has been implementing a sustainable development strategy for all its subsidiaries for several years.

In 2014, the Group was named one of the top 10 most sustainable companies in Europe, out of a field of 17,000 companies (European Business Awards). In 2016, it was awarded the CO2 neutral label for all its subsidiaries. Finally, Spadel was voted ‘Company of the Year 2017’ an award that recognises Belgian companies that stand out for their innovative approach.

Spa Monopole, founded in Spa in 1921, is the subsidiary that created the Spadel group with Bru. With its motto ‘when man protects water, water protects man’, the company is committed to good environmental management and has implemented a number of initiatives to this end.


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Spa Monopole

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