SWITCH Tihange

SWITCH’s mission: to define and implement an economic redeployment plan for the Huy-Waremme district.

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SWITCH's mission: to define and implement an economic redeployment plan for the Huy-Waremme district.

Following the scheduled closure of the Tihange nuclear power plant, the Walloon government has decided to set up a Delivery Unit, whose mission is to implement the economic conversion plan for the Hutois region, with a 3-level focus:

  • Conversion of the Tihange nuclear power plant site. In coordination with Engie, a remobilization of the spaces freed up by dismantling and those to be reserved for it will be analyzed. Depending on the dismantling schedule, the spaces to be freed up and the site's assets (energy distribution infrastructures, etc.), proposals for activities and new economic sectors (particularly in energy production) will be drawn up with Engie for the Tihange site.

  • Redeployment of productive economic activities to alternative sites to that of the nuclear power plant. Given the growth in the number of self-employed people in the district in recent years, but also the lower proportion of companies in the industrial and processing sectors (secondary economic sectors), other sites that can accommodate economic activities need to be redeveloped. The SRI study has already identified sites that could meet this job creation objective for the Hut area.

  • Supporting or deploying new economic sectors in the region, promoting service activities and jobs with local roots.

The DU Tihange team is designed to operate for 4 years, renewable for a further 2 years.


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SWITCH Tihange

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