Valbiom - Valorisation de la biomasse

ValBiom stimulates and supports initiatives for the non-food use of biomass. Valbiom is the coordinator of the biobased economy value chain in Circular Wallonia, Strategy for the deployment of circular economy in the Region Wallonia (2021-2024).

Head Office

Chaussée de Namur 146, 5030 Gembloux, Belgique



Enterprise number


The focus of the Association are:

  • Stimulate the exchange of expertise and collaboration among professionals in the sector.

  • Support of project leaders, from the design to the outcome.

  • Inspire, advise and equip public authorities.

  • dentify and stimulate new promising opportunities for the primary sector.

  • Educate the public to a biobased economy.

  • Be the reference information center of the sector and provide scientific expertise of quality.


2 person(s) associated to this profile.

Valbiom - Valorisation de la biomasse

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