Renewable energy
ACTE offers unique solutions focused on heat recovery from waste gases and also more generally on heat exchange solutions.
Rue de l'Avenir 8, 4460 Grâce-Hollogne, Belgique
Last updated: 15/01/2024

The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) is a nonprofit Brussels based international organization active at EU level since 1990. The main mission of AEBIOM is to develop the market for sustainable bioenergy, and ensure favorable business conditions for its members.
Rue d'Arlon 63, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Architecture et Climat - UCLouvain
The Architecture and Climate research team develops and disseminates architecture-related scientific knowledge focused on the physical aspects of the building process and habitation.
Pl. de l'Université 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Last updated: 11/09/2024

L’AREBS (association de redéploiement économique du bassin sérésien) a pour mission de dynamiser le territoire sérésien par le développement de projets porteurs d’emplois et de créativité.
Rue Cockerill 40, 4100 Seraing, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Armacell Benelux
Armacell, a world leader in flexible insulation foams for the equipment-insulation market, is also a leading provider of engineered foams. The company operates within two main businesses: Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams.
Rue des Trois Entites, 4890 Thimister-Clermont, Belgique
Last updated: 30/10/2024

Integrator of consultancy, services, design and development of software products with very high technical and strategic value in the field of subsoil recovery and groundwater management for energy, industrial and environmental applications.
Rue du Bois Saint-Jean 15, 4031 Seraing, Belgique
Last updated: 10/09/2024

Ateliers Jadot
Mechanical engineering, Precision mechanics, Components/technologies integration and assembly, designing.
Château de Fairoul 6, 5650 Walcourt, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Ateliers P. Sauvage
Maintenance, large size components and parts machining, gears manufacturing, reducers and transmission maintenance.
Rue Haut de Trème 6, 4801 Verviers, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

ATM-Pro specialized in environmental software, impact studies and long-term and short-term environmental impact assessment.
Rue Saint-André 5, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique
Last updated: 06/12/2024

AVD Belgium
Composite materials for insulation and plain bearings; Industrial drive components; Measuring and weighing equipment; Mechanical power transmission.
Rue du Bosquet 35, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Company of electrical installations.
Rue Hector Denis 33, 4420 Saint-Nicolas, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

"Organic electronics is the collective term for a range of research and business development activities based on new, organic semiconducting materials. The main target applications are organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photovoltaics (OPV) and printable electronics.".
Drève Richelle 161, 1410 Waterloo, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Be-Sol is an R&D firm that has taken over all the R&D projects for ESE-groupe ATRYA France. It boasts engineering and technical expertise in the field of renewable energy, primarily solar energy (thermal and PV).
Pl. Théo Lannoy 4, 5580 Rochefort, Belgique
Last updated: 24/06/2024

Becquerel Institute
The Becquerel Institute provides research and advisory services to private companies as well as to public and institutional organisations in the field of renewable energies, and PV electricity in particular. It provides advisory excellence by combining a recognised high quality internal expertise...
Rue Royale 146, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 30/07/2024

Solutions provider for energetic autonomy since 15 years.
Rue Maison de Pierres 42, 5537 Anhée, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Belga Solar
Belga Solar, formerly known as Evocells, has been a trusted player in the Belgian solar energy sector for over 15 years. As the only Belgian manufacturer of standard photovoltaic panels, we take pride in our commitment to quality and innovation.
ZA N 89, 5377 Somme-Leuze, Belgique
Last updated: 10/09/2024

The BERA is a group of centres of research and universities working in the field of energy. It officially represents Belgium within EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) who's role is to structure research in a European framework.
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 24/06/2024

Bernard Energy
Bernard Energy is an independent energy advisory firm that specialises in providing consulting services to its clients. The firm was created to respond to an increasing demand for such services by entities active in the transmission and/or distribution of energy, particularly electricity.
Av. Louise 350, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

BESIX Environment
BESIX Environment is a solution partner in development, design, engineering, execution, commissioning and O&M in the fields of water production and treatment, energy recovery from sludge and waste, hydroelectric infrastructures, biogas and low-carbon hydrogen production in Belgium and abroad.
Av. des Communautés 100, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgique
Last updated: 10/01/2025

Bioenergetics Unit - ULiège
Regulation of photosynthesis, optimisation of microalgal biomass production, analysis of microalgal biomass.
Bd du Rectorat 27, 4000 Liège, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024
Biogas Hautrage
In partnership with Wallonie Entreprendre, the Biogaz Hautrage project aims to build and operate a biomethanization unit to produce biogas, liquid bioCO2 and CE certified organic fertilizers from agricultural effluents and agro-industrial residues.
Veldstraat 33, 9230 Wetteren, Belgique
Last updated: 24/02/2025
Biogaz du Haut Geer
Biomass harvesting, biogas production, biogas cogeneration.
Rue du Pont 18, 4253 Administration communale de Geer, Belgique
Last updated: 09/02/2024

We offer Turnkey pocketdigesters (10 kW- 50 kW) for the prodution of green energy based on manure .
Jan de Malschelaan 4, 9140 Temse, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

Biomass Solutions
Integration of standard equipment for biomethanation of farming effluents.
Rue Devant les Cours 8, 4690 Bassenge, Belgique
Last updated: 14/01/2024

valuation of forest resources.
Rue de l'Athénée 71, 4630 Soumagne, Belgique
Last updated: 24/06/2024