Water treatment


View SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement's profile


Gardien du patrimoine naturel et rural de la Wallonie, le SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement en garantit sa sauvegarde dans une perspective de développement durable, destinée à garantir aux générations futures des ressources de qualité, indispensables à la vie.

Av. du Prince de Liège 15, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 11/09/2024

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View Kurita Europe gmbH's profile

Kurita Europe gmbH

Kurita Europe specialises in optimising the reliability and efficiency of industrial plants and projects. Our customised technologies and patented products for industrial water, paper and process treatment improve plant efficiency and plant lifetime as well as reducing costly downtimes.

Last updated: 23/04/2024

View Lens P.'s profile

Lens P.

Multiple studies in relation with stormwater management, rainwater infiltration (swales, wells, road understructure, ...), flood prevention, natural reserve rehabilitation, wastewater treatment and recycling, ...

Last updated: 26/06/2024

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View LIMPIDO's profile


Belgian company active since 2010 in the field of ecological wastewater treatment, plus 1,500 systems installed in Wallonia to date.

All. de Wésomont 5, 4190 Ferrières, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Louvain4Water - UCLouvain's profile

Louvain4Water - UCLouvain

UCLouvain - Louvain4Water is an interdisciplinary research consortium that brings together more than 100 UCLouvain researchers from different disciplines, and develops basic and applied research, advanced training programs and services in the field of water (www.uclouvain.be/louvain4water).

Place de l'Université 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Meurice R&D 's profile

Meurice R&D

The association conducts applied research through bilateral or subsidized contracts and provides services to industry and communities, in collaboration with external partners. Its laboratory focuses on environmental technologies, including the removal/recovery of nitrogen, phosphorus, metals, and hydrocarbons through bioaugmentation and adsorption.

Last updated: 19/08/2024

View MMConcept's profile


Maintenance, industrial mechanics, stainless steel and synthetic piping. Industrial drawing and product design.

Verte Voie 35, 4890 Thimister-Clermont, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

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View Purecontrol's profile


Purecontrol offers cutting-edge solutions leveraging Artificial Intelligence to reduce energy costs, carbon footprint and optimize operations for drinking water networks or wastewater treatment plants (municipal or industrial). The solution is used for real-time control and data analysis.

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Remacle Beton's profile

Remacle Beton

Remacle Beton est le spécialiste dans la fabrication de cuves en béton destinées au stockage des eaux de pluies et des eaux usées, dans la fabrication de micro-stations d'épuration ainsi que de fosses septique, séparateurs de graisse, etc...

Rue sous la Ville 8, 5150 Floreffe, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

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View Revalio's profile


Revalio is a sustainable water company based in Belgium, delivering circular solutions to industries.​

Av. Emile de Beco 74, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 08/08/2024

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View Riopro's profile


Given that each drainage project is unique, Riopro aims to implement efficient water management systems by integrating solutions from our partners. We restore the natural water cycle while respecting ecological and economic aspects. Providing personalized support to our clients during the development of their project is a priority.

Last updated: 04/04/2024

View Rubisco Engineering's profile

Rubisco Engineering

Rubisco's objective is to sustain industrial activities by streamlining energy, water and reagent flows. Thanks to an established network of partners and to the knowledge of their solutions, Rubisco wants to become the catalyst for innovative projects and coordinate them, from audit to commissioning.

Drève du Rembucher 35, 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgique

Last updated: 21/06/2024

View Safe Water Systems's profile

Safe Water Systems

Safe Water Systems is a Belgian company specialized in securing water by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis technology.

Rue Natalis 2, 4020 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Sense Environnement's profile

Sense Environnement

SENSE ENVIRONMENT provides a multidisciplinary team, able to understand any problems inherent in the management of energy, air or water, to help reduce the environmental footprint of an organization’s activity.

Rue des Potalles 26a, 4520 Wanze, Belgique

Last updated: 23/04/2024

View SHER ingénieurs-conseils's profile

SHER ingénieurs-conseils

SHER Ingénieurs-Conseils, a Belgian engineering consultancy company, member of the Artelia Group, provides services worldwide for projects relating to water, human and animal health, food safety, the protection of natural resources and infrastructure in a sustainable development and climate change resilience approach.

Rue Jean Matagne 15, 5020 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 10/04/2024

View SynHERA's profile


SynHERA represents the applied research network of the 19 Universities of Applied Sciences of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and their associated Research Centres. Research in the fields of technology (treatments, automation, characterisation) and agronomy, as well as societal, economic and business management issues. SynHERA is the gateway for companies to these expertises.

Rue des Pieds d'Alouette 39, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Veolia's profile


Veolia provides innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainable growth of cities and companies. Veolia is a world leader in the provision of energy services.

Quai Fernand Demets 52, 1070 Anderlecht, Belgique

Last updated: 22/08/2024

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