Institut Scientifique de Service Public

ISSeP carries out scientific and technical activities in the environmental field, and is also recognised as Wallonia’s reference laboratory.

Head Office

Rue du Chéra 200, 4000 Liège, Belgique


Institut scientifique de Service public - Wissenschaftliches Institut Offentlicher Dienststelle - Wetenschappelijk Instituut van Openbare Dienst

Enterprise number


ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) is the Walloon reference laboratory specialized in environmental monitoring (i.e. water, air, soil, sediments and waste) and risk assessment and prevention. ISSeP draws on the scientific expertise of 310 agents from various area of expertise, from field sampling, lab analysis, numerical modelling, geostatistical analysis to Earth observation.

The Scientific Institute of Public Service (Institut Scientifique de Service Public - ISSeP) is a type 1 Public Administration Unit specialized in environmental monitoring, in risk and nuisance prevention and in research and development.

ISSeP provides technical and scientific support to the Administration of the Walloon Region but also to other actors such as the private sector, individuals and municipalities. The Institute is also recognized as the reference laboratory of Wallonia. Its key activity consists of characterizing the chemical, physical and ecological state of environmental matrices (air, water, soil, waste, sediment, non-ionising radiation). The Institute assesses the related industrial, environmental and health risks and issues recommendations to prevent them.

The Institute has been accredited since 1997 according to ISO/IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories". It was also certified according to ISO/IEC 17043 by the Belgian Accreditation Body Belac in 2016 which enables the Institute to organize inter-laboratory tests for the analysis of "waste" and "water" matrices.

The Institute is also recognized as a research organization by virtue of the Walloon Government Decree of 21 May 2015 and conducts research projects to develop its scientific expertise

H2 production from coal gasification (HUGE).


5 person(s) associated to this profile.

Institut Scientifique de Service Public

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