Research Institute for Energy - UMons
The UMONS Research Institute for Energy originates from the Energy Research Centre of the Faculty of Engineering, which was established in 2005. It now organises research activities in the field of energy at UMONS.
Enterprise number
The University of Mons' Energy Research Institute conducts research and development in the following fields:
Smart Cities, including energy use in buildings: zero energy and positive energy buildings, alternative technologies for heat and cold production and their integration into the building, insulating materials, etc.
Energy storage
Wind power
Smart grids
Photovoltaic technologies
Geothermal energy
Materials and processes for energy applications
Biofuels and combustion
CO2 capture and sequestration and treatment of gaseous emissions
The Institute has a hundred or so researchers and academics primarily working in science, applied science, and architecture.Our research activities are primarily focused on the development and study of prototypes; the development of simulation tools for equipment performance measurement, construction of prototypes, sizing and design assistance, regulation and process controls, etc.; monitoring of installations; development of benchmark calculation methods; the synthesis and characterization of active materials; and scientific service.
Skills, services and / or productsThe Fundamental and Applied Geology Department (GEFA) at the Faculté Polytechnique of the Université de Mons conducts research in the field of deep and medium-depth geothermal energy. GEFA's skills and research are mainly in the fields of hydrogeology, geophysical exploration, hydrogeochemistry, and the energy potential of very deep aquifers (600 to 5,000 meters, or more). In particular, the department evaluated the deep geothermal energy prospects of Hainaut.The thermodynamics department works on heat pumps (monitoring of installations, scientific support for technological development, simulation tools and performance evaluation tools).The Heat Science and Thermodynamic departments work in the field of solar thermal energy (scientific support for the technological development of solar collectors and thermal energy storage systems, synthesis and characterization of materials for thermal energy storage, prototyping).
The GEODES project to exploit deep geothermal resources for energy production
The SOLINOX project to develop a new type of solar thermal collector
The SOLAUTARK and SOTHERCO projects for inter-seasonal thermal energy storage
The ERA-Chair RESIZED project to develop autonomous heating systems for an entire neighborhood
The FLEXIPAC project to measure the impact of heat pump use on the power grid
Industrial CO2 use for microalgae production
Microalgae caracterization
Microalgae use as biofuel and process design
Gas treatment by adsorption, absorption or catalytic oxidation
Synthesis gas use
Photobioreactors: from 3l to 70l
Gas-liquid contactors
Adsorbents beds
Combustion installations
Analytical laboratory equipment : FT-IR, HPLC-UV, HPLC-Fluo, UPLC-PDA, GC, micro-GC, GCMS
Development of new processes
Enhancement of new process
Scientific support and expertise
General study for public policy
Demonstration projects
Combustion technologies
Gas treatment technologies
Biofuels production unsing microalgae: from microalgae caracterization to process design
Massart A., Hantson A.-L. “Optimization of the medium composition of the microalga "Dunaliella tertiolecta butcher" in order to combine high cell density and accumulation of lipids for biodiesel production”, 3rd International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venise, Italie, 2010.
Massart A., Hantson A.-L. “Study of different pretreatments in order to optimize lipid extraction of three strains of microalgae (Chlorophyta)”, Alg'n Chem 2011, Montpellier, France, 2011.
Massart A., Hantson A.-L. “Optimization of the initial concentration of nitrogen source in the medium in order to increase biomass productivity of two microalgae”, 7th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Bruges, Belgique, 2011.
2 person(s) associated to this profile.