Control Engineering and System Analysis - ULB

Control Engineering and System Analysis Service (SAAS) mainly develops two lines of research: supervision and early detection of degradation in technical devices on the one hand, and constrained control of non-linear systems on the other hand.

Head Office

Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique


Université Libre de Bruxelles

Enterprise number


In the field of early detection, the team has participated and continues to participate in several projects in partnership with industry. Examples of these projects include the following :

In the field of control under constraints, the team works in particular on the control of UAVs. It is studying as examples : 

  • questions of collaboration between UAVs and ground vehicles,

  • the control of drones connected to the ground by a cable for power supply,

  • the generation of optimal trajectories in the field of precision agriculture.

This last point concerns precision farming, a subject studied in the framework of the European PANTHEON project currently underway (see ).

The SAAS team has also been successfully involved for several years in the field of monitoring and rapid charging of lithium-ion batteries as part of the BATWAL program of excellence. It has designed and validated software sensors based on simplified electrochemical models. These software sensors provide indicators of the health status of a battery. It has also developed a rapid charging method based on an electrochemical characterization of the operating conditions of the battery. This approach, based on a stress control method, guarantees safety and avoids accelerated ageing linked to rapid charging.

The SAAS team is ready to contribute to R&D activities for any application related to its research axes.


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Control Engineering and System Analysis - ULB

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