Laboratory of GeoMechanics - ULB

The Laboratory of GeoMechanics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles is a research lab working in the field of environmental geomechanics. Our research activities are focused on acquiring a thorough understanding of multiple physical processes taking place within geomaterials.

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Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique


Université Libre de Bruxelles

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The Laboratory of GeoMechanics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles is a research lab working in the field of environmental geomechanics. Our research activities are focused on acquiring a thorough understanding of multiple physical processes (mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, chemical, etc.) taking place within geomaterials (primarily soils and rocks).  These activities are concentrated in three main research areas: 

  • Subsurface energy extraction

  • Underground storage of production residues 

  • Management of geotechnical risks 

Our work is based on approaches that combine experimental developments, behavioral patterns, and numerical simulation.Skills, services and / or productsIn the green heat sector, the Laboratory of GeoMechanics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles works in the field of low-enthalpy geothermal energy in closed loop systems by installing vertical probes that are more than a hundred meters deep. In particular, we study ways to optimize heat exchanges between the probe and the subsurface and to verify the integrity of the probe. We also examine the feasibility of drilling based on the geological features of a particular area.References**GeoTherWal project**

  • Funded as part of the Walloon Region's ERable action plan

  • Duration: 4 years (2012-2015)

  • Partners: ULg, ULB, OREX, GeoLys

  • Project title: Optimization of geothermal probes in a closed loop system


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Laboratory of GeoMechanics - ULB

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