
View Intercommunale de Développement Economique et d'Aménagement du coeur du Hainaut's profile


Territorial development agency of the heart of Hainaut, which carries out missions of general interest for municipalities, businesses, and residents in the fields of economy, energy, water, and territorial planning. IDEA entreprises' mission is to advise and support entrepreneurs in the creation, development, and acceleration of their projects or businesses.

Rue de Nimy 53, 7000 Mons, Belgique

Last updated: 20/08/2024

View John Cockerill's profile

John Cockerill

John Cockerill Group is an international provider of technologies and services specializing in energy, environment, defence, steel and industry.

Avenue Greiner 1, 4100 Seraing, Belgique

Last updated: 19/08/2024

View John Cockerill Balteau's profile

John Cockerill Balteau

John Cockerill Balteau provides engineering solutions for the purification, treatment, pumping and recycling of water and sludge, relying on its design office, engineers and manufacturing workshops.

Rue de la Légende 63, 4141 Sprimont, Belgique

Last updated: 21/08/2024

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View JUMO's profile


Fabricant de capteurs industriels et de solutions d'automatisation pour la température, la pression, l'analyse de liquides, le débit, la mesures de niveau et l'humidité dans l'air.

Rue de l'Industrie 18, 4700 Eupen, Belgique

Last updated: 25/07/2024

View LIFETECH's profile


LIFETECH est une entreprise familiale innovante spécialisée dans les UV, les générateurs d'ozone et la technologie UV/AOP. Elle développe et produit des dispositifs de haute qualité pour le traitement de l'eau, la purification de l'air et la désinfection. La personnalisation et un excellent rapport qualité-prix sont prioritaires.

Rue de Saint-Michel 7, 1360 Perwez, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View LIMPIDO's profile


Belgian company active since 2010 in the field of ecological wastewater treatment, plus 1,500 systems installed in Wallonia to date.

All. de Wésomont 5, 4190 Ferrières, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Louvain4Water - UCLouvain's profile

Louvain4Water - UCLouvain

UCLouvain - Louvain4Water is an interdisciplinary research consortium that brings together more than 100 UCLouvain researchers from different disciplines, and develops basic and applied research, advanced training programs and services in the field of water (www.uclouvain.be/louvain4water).

Place de l'Université 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

Last updated: 26/06/2024

View Luminus's profile


First challenger on the Belgian energy market, Luminus is a major renewable electricity producer and energy services supplier.

Bld du Roi Albert II 7, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Last updated: 28/08/2024

View Materia Nova's profile


Materia Nova is a multidisciplinary research center active in the modeling, synthesis, and characterization of high-technology materials, from the fundamental aspects to their application in devices.

Av. Nicolas Copernic 3, 7000 Mons, Belgique

Last updated: 19/08/2024

View Meurice R&D 's profile

Meurice R&D

The association conducts applied research through bilateral or subsidized contracts and provides services to industry and communities, in collaboration with external partners. Its laboratory focuses on environmental technologies, including the removal/recovery of nitrogen, phosphorus, metals, and hydrocarbons through bioaugmentation and adsorption.

Last updated: 19/08/2024

View Multitel's profile


Multitel is a Belgian technological innovation center specialized in applied research and development for business. Multitel works in five areas of R&D: Applied photonics, Networks and Telecoms, Signal Processing and Embedded Systems, Machine Vision, and Railway Certification.

Rue Pierre Et Marie Curie 2, 7000 Mons, Belgique

Last updated: 12/09/2024

View Naturem Solutions's profile

Naturem Solutions

NATUREM SOLUTIONS is a consultancy in water efficiency / conservation and circular economy (water reuse & recycling, by-product valorisation). We also provide nature-based solutions and re-connect infrastructures and projects to the natural water circle.

Chau. de Marche 940, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 22/02/2024

View NordiTube Technologies SE's profile


Norditube specialises in the manufacture of resin-impregnated textile liners for the trenchless rehabilitation of drinking water, sewage, gas and oil pipes, etc. This technique avoids opening up the roadway and enables the pipe to be put back into service very quickly.

Rue Ernest Solvay 181, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: 22/08/2024

View Profish Technology's profile

Profish Technology

Consultancy specialising in fish monitoring: acquisition and processing of data which are compiled in a database and then processed and analysed using appropriate software.

Rue des Scabieuses 18, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 11/09/2024

View Sirris's profile


Sirris, the collective centre of the Belgian technology industry, helps companies to introduce technological innovation enabling them to strengthen their competitive position.

Bd Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgique

Last updated: 26/07/2024

View Sotrad Water's profile

Sotrad Water

Sotrad Water was set up to develop, manufacture, market and install water treatment plants capable of producing between 1m³ and 200m³ of water per hour from surface water.

Rue de l'Artisanat 5a, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique

Last updated: 05/08/2024

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View Stream and River Consult's profile

Stream and River Consult

Stream & River is bio-engineering consultancy firm founded in 2009, bringing together biologists, bioengineers, hydrologists and civil engineers, specializing in river renaturation, aquatic ecosystems management, hydromorphology, hydrology, eco-hydraulics and biological monitoring.

Bd de la Meuse 88, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 08/08/2024

View Société Wallonne des Eaux's profile


Public society responsible for the production, water distribution and ressources protection. SWDE exploits tools for data collection and management that supplies softwares and that enables the infrastructure follow-up, water flow, water quality and geographical information.

Last updated: 09/09/2024

View SynHERA's profile


SynHERA represents the applied research network of the 19 Universities of Applied Sciences of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and their associated Research Centres. Research in the fields of technology (treatments, automation, characterisation) and agronomy, as well as societal, economic and business management issues. SynHERA is the gateway for companies to these expertises.

Rue des Pieds d'Alouette 39, 5100 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Traqua's profile


Traqua is a consultancy specialising in analysis and monitoring techniques for groundwater and surface water flows, offering technological solutions and customised expertise for all hydrogeological and hydrological issues (analysis, diagnosis, monitoring).

Rue Godefroid 5, 5000 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 20/06/2024

View Université de Namur's profile


Already renowned for its excellence in teaching, the University of Namur is increasingly recognized for the quality of its research. Founded in 1831, the University of Namur aims to develop quality projects and belongs to and partakes in several, often interdisciplinary, research networks at local, regional, federal, European and international level.

Rue de Bruxelles 61, 5000 Namur, Belgique

Last updated: 05/09/2024

View Wagralim's profile


Competitiveness cluster bringing together agro-industrial and other companies to establish partnerships. The sector's industrialists have identified 4 priority areas: nutrition, industrial efficiency, bio-packaging and sustainable industry.

Rue Auguste Piccard, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique

Last updated: 30/07/2024

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